Sunday, April 6, 2014

Plastic People

My obsession with LEGO began in my childhood and went dormant somewhere around my 12th year.  For over ten years the leviathan slumbered until, around 2007, whilst moseying around the toy section at the local Wal-Mart, I happened upon this:

I didn't realize that LEGO had any licensed themes at this point, and I found this set to be a delightful surprise.  "Return of the Jedi" being my (next to) favorite Star Wars movie, and the Ewok scenes being my favorite part of the movie, I fell in love with this set immediately.  I have also, over time, realized I have a distinct fondness for any set that "walks" around.  They look cool and are easy to display being more vertical than horizontal.

Since that fateful day in 2007, my knowledge of the tiny plastic world of LEGO has grown by leaps and bounds.  Realizing that my interest in any particular set lay (usually) more with the minifigures than the sets themselves (not to mention how much cheaper it is to purchase individual figures, not to mention how much easier it is to store/display them), I have tracked down various figures that struck my fancy over the years.  So I take a few minutes to spray some major-league nerd juice all over this blog, as I share with you my favorite LEGO minifigures.

 Vitruvius, the groovy mystic from "The LEGO Movie."  Dig the sparkly cape!


 And the hands-down winner for most beautiful figure ever is Queen Amidala

 Princess Leia as Boushh, from Star Wars Return of the Jedi (I'm a sucker for anything R.O.T.J.)

 Mola Ram, from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - probably, really, when you think about it, the winner for "darkest, most sinister character ever depicted in minifigure form."  I mean, how many other heart-ripping, child enslaving LEGO figures can YOU think of?  The headdress is what sells it!

 Boba Fett - there have been several Boba Fett figures over the years, but this most recent iteration is, in my opinion, the best of them all.

 Medusa, winner for scariest minifig - dig the snake "hair" piece!

 Oola, the ill-fated dancer from Jabba the Hut's palace.  Way prettier in plastic than in real life!

 Bib Fortuna, Jabba's henchman in "Return of the Jedi."  Winner for ugliest minifigure ever.  Which is what makes him so endearing!  Check out those red eyes, sharp teeth, and bulbous head-piece!

 Spongebob Squarepants.  So what, you wanna fight about it?!?

 Falcon, from Marvel Super Heroes.  It's the wings.  No doubt about it.

 Captain America, from Marvel Super Heroes.  It's the shield.

The Hulk, from Marvel Super Heroes.  The most iconic "Big Fig" thus released.

 Chicken-Suit Guy.

 Captain Redbeard - an iconic figure from my childhood.  I think I was probably seven when I first began to covet the peg-legged Captain.

 Lizard-Suit Guy

 Alien Queen - the most complicated normal-sized minifig build I've ever seen.  It's the brain that makes it so tricky.

 Abraham Lincoln - "Four score and seven years ago..."

 William Shakespeare - "To build...or not to build"

 Evil Robot

 Ice Skater

 The Swamp Creature - definitely one of my very favorites

 The Ghost - another classic from my childhood.  His shroud glows in the dark!

 Zombie - I modified the original design a bit.  Somehow I thought the business man hair was creepier than outright baldness.

 The Mummy - the bandage printing is some of the most complex I've seen on a figure

 Lord Business, the antagonist of "The LEGO Movie."  Without a doubt, the most complex minifigure ever produced.  At least the tallest!  His cape looks like a giant necktie, and he's got coffee mugs on his crazy hat piece!

Princess Leia in the slave outfit.  I replaced the original (boring) face with one more fitting of the situation the Princess has found herself in - slave of a giant slug named Jabba the Hutt!  Definitely the most bondage-themed figure thus released.

 The mighty Rancor, a memorable monster from "Return of the Jedi."  Definitely the most badass figure of all time, with massive jaws and claws capable of lifting a traditional figure before consuming them whole!

  The poor, pitiful Gamorrean guard is about to meet his end.

 Bumblebee Girl

 Cave Girl - it's the bone in the hair!

 Pretzel Girl

 Carhop Girl - I love the detail, from the ice cream to the glasses to the awesome roller skates!

 The Fairy

 Lady Liberty - an inspired design!

 The Genie - maybe my favorite of all time.  The "coming out of the lamp" effect is brilliant!

 Achu the Amazon King - the headdress, the cape, the tribal printing - what's not to love?

 Hippie - what can I say?


 Crash Test Dummy

 "The Trend-Setter" - Paris Hilton?

 Gingerbread Man - "Dunk Me!"

 The Librarian - "Shhh!"

 "Winged Alien Mosquitoid" - the recent "Galaxy Squad" sets have featured some gloriously creepy bug-shaped space vehicles, as well as some totally awesome minifigs - this "mosquitoid" is my favorite!