Saturday, December 21, 2013

Warrior Diaries: Cleon (inspired by the movie "The Warriors")

July 28, 1978

Dear Diary,

Man, if any of the other guys in the gang find you, I'm toast! They will totally think I have gone faggot! Sometimes I think some of them keep diaries, too, but I am not the kind of WarChief to get all up in the shit of my gang. I try to lead by example. For example, when I'm packed and looking for some boppin I don't demand that any of the other guys join me in my adventure, but I know that they know if they was the ones doing the boppin' I would totally have their ass, hence I never have to bop alone.

Three days ago I was using the pisser here in headquarters (Warrior central) and I seen that someone wrote on the wall, "Cleon is a wuss who couldn't even soldier through the territory of the Moon Runners without the aide of a pipe or a molotov cocktail." Underneath this, someone else wrote, "Aaah, fuck him." Now, this shit bothered me, but being War Chief and everything I didn't want to let anyone know it bothered me, so I been keepin' cool, but all the time I been watching. Cochise is the molotov cocktail expert in the gang so I been suspecting him, but it could be any of them.

Two days ago someone bleached my leopard-print WarChief dewrag and now it looks like zebra-print. That totally throws off the color scheme of the Converse sneakers, vest, jean, dewrag outfit I worked so hard to get right! I am afraid there will be trouble in the gang soon.

I guess that big happenin' in the Bronx is still goin on. Cyrus sent an emmisary today to see if we would be there. I said not only would be be there, but I gave him our word that the Warriors would uphold the truce. I'm a little bit nervous about soldierin' all that way without packin' anything, but I have always loved to hear Cyrus speak, and this is such a big opportunity for him! Hopefully it will be a magical night for both of us!

We initiated another member today. He's a wimpy young kid named Percival Wallingford, but he's so good at taggin' shit everyone just call him Rembrandt. You know, like the painter?

Last night me and the gang soldiered down to the amusement park here on Coney to ride the Wonder Wheel. Man, fuckin' Highball from the Destroyers was there. Once we saw him, we was all like yelling how we was gonna kick his ass and everything, and he threw up at the top of the Wheel and it rained down on everyone. Ajax got it the worst. He was so caught up on meeting up with some strange wool that he didn't want to go back to headquarters and shower. He wanted to keep lookin for chicks covered in Highball's puke! So we left him to it. He didn't get any takers, and by the time he came back to wash up it was too late and all the chicks had gone back home to their dudes. What a character that Ajax is!

Well, I gotta go. I can hear the guys comin' back from a supply run. I hope they didn't forget that I wanted onions on my hot dog.

Love forever,


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