Saturday, December 21, 2013

Warrior Diaries: Mercy (inspired by the movie "The Warriors")

February 14, 2008

Dear Diary,

It's hard to believe that it's been almost 30 years since that fateful night when I met my darling Eugene. Of course, it took me 6 more years to become Mrs. Mercy Swan. I still think there's kind of a poetic ring to the name, don't you, Diary?

Every year around Valentine's Day I start to reflect back on the love that I have with Eugene and how much of a mess my life was before I met him. They used to call me "Mattress-Back Mercy" which I used to hate, but it was true. I never used to think I was a whore. I remember one of the first things I ever said to Eugene on that fateful night in the summer of '78 was "I ain't no whore," but I can see now that I was. I was a whore. But all that is behind me, diary, and I can now officially declare that I truly ain't no whore. Although I still enjoy a nice train every now and then. Chugga Chugga, Toot Toot!

Eugene did the sweetest thing for me today for Valentine's Day. He apparently had been rummaging through some boxes in the attic and came across his old Warriors vest from back in his gang days. I used to give him such a hard time because he wouldn't get me one. Not even one vest. Even though I knew the man could easily get another one. Eventually, I forgot about it and stopped asking. And then once we moved to Kansas and Eugene started teaching English at the local community college, I figured that all of his stuff from his boppin' days back in Coney was long gone. But I guess I was wrong.

Anyways, so I come home from work today and on the table there is a box that says Mercy on it. I open the box and there it was, the familiar brown leather vest that I used to covet so. It still has blood and sweat stains from so many years ago. With it, Eugene had left a card. It read:

Dear Mercy,
I know you always used to want one of these,
and I'm sorry I never gave you one.
You was just a whore to me then and not
worth the effort of getting my mom to
embroider you your own vest. After all, that skull
and wings pattern takes forever to stitch! But life
is different now, and better, and I want you to have this
now. If you want, I can invite some guys over, wear the
vest, and we can pull a train on you, just like old times.

Love your valentine,
Eugene Swan

Now after reading that note I almost started to cry. Eugene is usually so stoic, but when he wants to let his guard down he can get downright poetic. Maybe I will take him up on his offer!

I will let you know how it goes, as always.

Mercy Swan

P.S. Happy Valentine's Day!

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