Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Movies I'm looking forward to in 2013, part one

This is the kind of thing that makes it worth getting up in the morning.  Last night, I had never heard of this movie, and this morning I see a teeny-weeny little ad for it on Facebook.  "Bill Murray as a cowboy - do you love it?" the ad asked, and I must admit that I did.  Very much.  So I click the link and it takes me to a zany website with new and old images of scenes from the movie, advertisements, some classy nudity...what's not to love? 

Based on the trailer the movie probably won't be quite as fantasmagorically spectacular as the website hints at, but any time a Coppola directs a zany throwback comedy starring Charlie Sheen, Jason Schwartzman (with a perm!) and (be still my movie-nerd heart) Bill Murray, things are bound to be awesome.

So, even though I only found out about it 30 minutes ago - here is my first "movie I'm looking forward to in 2013" - "A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charlie Swan III."

The trailer may be viewed here.

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