Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Movies I'm looking forward to in 2013, part two

I must have been living under a rock, but I hadn't heard about this movie until last night when I saw a preview for it during an infomercial for nipple blasters (something about how, if you aren't happy how they look, these little electrodes will turn them rock hard and make all the other beach goers envious - "ever wanted to work out your nips but were never sure how - we've got the answer!"). 

I love, as do many Americans, "The Wizard of Oz," but I REALLY love the much darker sequel from the 80's, "Return to Oz."  And this movie, "Oz, the Great and Powerful" seems to go in that darker direction, while totally rocking modern technology.  I can't believe nobody has made a new OZ movie before this, but I'm totally pumped it's coming! 

The trailer may be viewed here.

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